Ibell-Jacbson-Smith Post 61 Deep River sponsored the 2015 High School Oratorical Contest (Post Level) competition on Friday, January 30, 2015 at Valley Regional High School. Post 61 Oratorical Program Chairman Don Grohs organized the event and was supported by the following Individuals:
Escorts: Lillian Beardsley, Eileen Richards
Timekeepers: Ed Hemmenn, Robert DeCarlo
Tabulator: Robert DeCarlo
Judges: Cheryl Ely-DeCarlo, Reverend Tim Haute, Jack Coulter, Jeff Hostetler, Dan Connors.
Faculty Advisor: Barbara Nidzgorsli, Principal Kristina Martineau.
The two contestants were Christina Mitchell (winner), and Zane Bouragy (runner up). Ms. Mitchell will compete in the District 7 Oratorical Contest scheduled for February 12, 2015, at Westbrook Public Library.