This is the speech by Ray Lines Post 64 Commander Joe Beakey at the dedication ceremony of The Chaffee County Veterans Memorial Park.
In the name of American Legion, Ray Lines Post 64, Angel of Mount Shavano VFW Post 3820, Marine Corps League, LT. Harry T. Ostrum Jr., Detachment 1420, of Salida, American Legion, Cliff Sexton Post 55 and Louis J. Miller VFW Post1166, of Buena Vista, we dedicate this Veteran’s Memorial Park of Chaffee County. We dedicate it to the memory of those who fell in the service of our country. We dedicate it in the name of those who offered their lives so justice, freedom and democracy might survive to be the victorious ideals of the peoples of the world. The lives of those who have made the supreme sacrifice are glorious before us; their deeds are an inspiration. As they served America in time of war, yielding their last full measure of devotion, may we serve America in time of peace. We dedicate this monument to them, and for their faithful service of our country and to preservation of the memory of those who died that liberty might live.”