Joe Beakey of Poncha Springs was sworn in Jan. 15 as the new commander of American Legion Ray Lines Post No. 64 in Salida.
Colorado Department of American Legion Junior Vice Cmdr. Greg Jackson of Delta, assisted by Colorado District 12 Cmdr. Jim Dexter of Breckenridge, officiated the ceremony with members of Post No. 64 in attendance.
Beakey has been a member of the American Legion for about 10 years, previously in Tucson, Ariz., and Greeley.
He has been a member of Ray Lines Post for about a year, taking over the office of post historian following the death of Dan Johnson.
Beakey said his agenda for Post No. 64 is to increase membership by inviting all eligible veterans in the Salida area to join.
He said he is trying to get a list of veterans in the area so he can send out a card with information about meetings in the hopes younger members will want to participate.
He also seeks to increase awareness of Boys State for high school juniors.
Boys State is an opportunity for boys to experience government procedures firsthand while earning college credit and strengthening their college applications and résumés.
American Legion sponsors several youth programs, including the High School Oratorical Scholarship Program, Junior Air Rifle Shooting Program, American Legion Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program and Boy Scouts of America, and provides education assistance.
Ray Lines Post No. 64 will award a $1,000 scholarship to a member of the 2019 Salida High School graduating class, Beakey said.
In addition, the Legion conducts color guard and flag ceremonies at funerals for any military veterans and in concert with other local veteran groups acts as color guard in local parades.
American Legion Ray Lines Post No. 64 meets at 6 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at the American Legion Hut at 10th and H streets, starting with a potluck supper, followed by a meeting at 7 p.m.
For information on any American Legion program or about attending meetings, contact Beakey at 539-4971 or beakeycwb@aol.com.
- D.J. DeJong, Mail Staff Writer, The Mountain Mail, Salida Colorado