American Legion District 12 held its Fall Conference Sunday, Sept. 23rd, at the American Legion, Ray Lines Post 64 in Salida. District 12 Posts are Bailey, Breckinridge, Buena Vista, Fairplay, and Salida. Also there was a representative from the Canon City Post.
Salida Post Commander, Jim Preston, opened the Conference and introduced Colorado Department Commander, Robb D. Smith. Other speakers were Senior Vice Commander, Dean Noechel, Junior Vice Commander, Greg Jackson, Adjutant Charles “Pat’ Smith, Sons of the American Legion Commander, Ron Noakes, and District 12 Commander, Jim Dexter.
Topics included were, What the Legion can do for our Veterans, Recruitment of new members, Supporting of youth activities, (including Boys State, Junior Shooting Sports, Oratorical Competition, and Boy Scouts of America,) Colorado Veterans Kids Fund, Educational Assistance, Legacy Scholarships, US flag Protection and Education, and assisting in VA Benefits for our veterans.