On the morning of Veterans' Day, November 11, 2016, Longs Peak Middle School in Longmont put on a wonderful and inspiring Veterans Program. The morning began with a warm welcome by students escorting us to a Thank You breakfast for vets in the library.
Post 32's Honor Guard posted the Colors to begin the program.
During the program in the gymnasium, the key speaker was Mr. Damon Brown, a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Air Force Reserve. He is also the Executive Director of Communications, Human Resources & Risk Management of St. Vrain Valley Schools. Also, Mr. Ralph Bozella presented recognition of a Longs Peak Middle School teacher, Mr. Matt Barz, for his loyal and patriotic service to the school community. Mr. Barz recently passed away.
Some of the vets stayed and participated in a question and answer period within some of the classrooms. Post 32's Honor Guard had to go ahead and leave to prepare for Longmont's Veterans' Day Parade before the classroom sessions, therefore I have no photos of the question and answer session.
A big patriotic mural adorns the main hall of the school
The Thank you breakfast
Post 32 Honor Guard posting the Colors
The student body in attendance
Damon Brown presents his speech accompanied by a young woman doing sign language
Ralph Bozella speaks with a sign language interpreter
A place of honor for the vets
The school chorus was accompanied by the school band and orchestra and presented beautiful patriotic musci
The hall to the gym is beautifully decorated with patriotic painted panels
Craig Fischer, a member of the Sons of the American Legion and Post 32's Honor Guard, plays Taps