Our original charter hangs in the hall
Names of the 15 original charter members hangs next to the charter.
WWI Helmet and newspaper article on Herman Bienstock, survivor of The Lost Batallio
Close-up of Herman Bienstock photo on plaque with his helmet.
Newspaper article in a glass case about Notable Member Sgt. Allen Dale June, a Navajo Code Talker
Sgt. June's American Legion hat is located in the glass case that contains a newspaper article about him.
Books on the Code Talkers included in glass case
Flag flown on USS Edmonds DE 406; Battle of Iwo Jima; 19 Feb-23 Feb, 1945
Our Post maintains a library filled with many interesting historical items.
Located amongst books on war histories is a bell from the USS Edmonds
We honor the memory of our POWs
Historical items donated by past Post Commanders Wayne Long and Greg McMahon to commemorate Vietnam
Gallery of our Past Commanders, Dept. Commanders, and National Executives
Gallery of our Ladies' Auxiliary Commanders and Dept. Commanders
We have an extensive collection of historic flasks with some being created especially for American Legion National Conventions
This bell has been rung by many, many Post Commanders to begin the meetings.