![BALDWIN POST 99 WILL REBUILD POST 99 HOME](https://centennial.legion.org/sites/centennial/files/event/FIRE%20DESTROYS%20FOLEY%20POST%2099%20ON%20SATURDAY%2C%20JULY%2019%2C%201992%20%20%234.jpg)
Following the fire on Saturday July 19, 1992, Baldwin Post 99 Officers and Members survey the damages, looked at their options, and vowed to rebuild the post as soon as possible. The brick sign which stood out front of the destroyed 3rd home of Post 99 had only this message to every passerby:
Actual rebuilding began very quickly. The new building foundation was completed in October 1992. New construction is set to begin in November 1992.
Construction was completed in February 1993 and the fourth (4th) Baldwin Post home was dedicated on February 27th, 1993. See additional story on dedication for more details.