Note how the supports are leaning.
The stand takes 100's of hours of volunteering among our members.
In 2001 a new Grandstand.
A new food stand.
The Legion paid for the construction, note plaque in upper right.
Legion & Auxiliary make a major donation.
The Auxiliary furnished the new food stand.
The Legions coolers and a sign depicting community donations.
Auxiliary and Legion volunteers at our stand.
A new Tap system installed.
Best burgers on the Midway.
What will it be? A burger and cheese curds, please.
Who doesn't love a day at the Fair?
Win every time!
We are in a perfect location.
Our customers return each year because they know what we do.
Many a great show has played this Fair.
Where the profits go.
Major contribution of life saving equipment.
Protective wear for Rescue Squad.
Protective vests and video equipment for law enforcement.
Commemorative monument honoring veterans.
More wheel chairs for free loan in the area.