Forty seven members attended the monthly meeting and it was a busy night. Elections were held and the positions of Commander, 1st Vice-Commander, 2nd Vice-Commander and 3rd Vice-Commander were all filled. Installation of the new officers will take place at the June Meeting.A report was given by the Building Front Restoration Committee Chairman. The new sign was ready to be installed and the volunteers will do so on Wednesday. They will also remove the old wooden sign up on the overhang roof. That part of the roof will be redone this summer.The stucco on the front has been repaired and a second coat of paint added.The new LED lights show the front of the building very well for anyone passing by day or night.The means of installing the five branches of service emblems although very nice were sent back to the drawing board for some other options. The membership report indicated another "All-Time-High" for the Post. Congratulations to the membership chairman and those who helped with this years membership.That is about the 12th of the last 15 years for that accomplishment. A report was given by the Post Vietnam War Commemorative Post Chairman and several ideas were discussed. A request of legionnaires to make suggestions on some good books on the Vietnam War. Two were suggested by members; "The Boys of 67 Charlie Company's War in Vietnam" by Andrew Weist and "White Feather" by Carlos Hathcock. We will compile a list and the discuss a donation to the Seymour Library for purchase of materials. The Scholarship Chairman announced that seven scholarships awards have been made bringing the total awards to 185 and amounting to over $55,000 since 1985. We also have five boys that will attend Badger Boys State this year, The Post Legion baseball Team is beginning to organize for the upcoming season. The Auxiliary card parties for seniors are in full swing and well attended. plans are moving forward for the State Golf Scramble to be held here at Crystal Springs in September. We also have the State Bowling Tournament in 2017. We are successful because we are involved and the people of Seymour know us by what we do.