Each year for the past 12 years Post 106 has held a Spaghetti Dinner in the Spring and a Chili-Booyah event in the Fall. The money from these two events is used to field the Legion Baseball Team. A true community event. Parents of players work the tables, pour coffee serve milk, reset the tables, bake desserts, scrape plates and trays along with the ball players. Legionnaires prepare the "secret sauce" and spaghetti, prepare salads, yummy garlic bread, run the dishwasher scrub pans and set up the tables. Community members, many of whom have attended every event over the past 12 years continue to make the event a success. Often where some have a conflict for that evening will drop off a cash donation or buy tickets that will go unused. Both the Spring and Fall Fund Raisers bring in between $1,500. and $2,000. to support the team. The balance comes from our Stand at the Fair, Our coach who played with our 1970 team has organized the event from the start and a small cadre of dedicated legionnaire cooks work both events. See photos in our gallery.