Cabin #19 Appleton-Seymour Cabin
At the January 1988 Mid-Winter conference in Hudson, WI Russ Hanseter representing Post 106 presented a proposal for the building of a new cabin at Camp American Legion. Russ proposed that the cost of building the cabin would be shared with Appleton Post 38. A blueprint for the cabin was drawn up by Don Hoff, who did the drawings for Seymour Lumber Company. Don was a WW2 veteran and a member of Post 106. The proposal as presented, was accepted by the Camp Committee and plans for work that coming Spring and Summer were worked out. Volunteers from both Posts made arrangements to be at Camp with Director Dan Liotta.
When the work party arrived the footings and block walls were in place. Lumber was delivered and with the help of carpenters from Appleton, Eau Claire and Seymour work began. The project took a week from the laying of the floor, erecting walls, roof rafters, installing windows, eventually dry-walling and bathroom fixtures. The cabin would consist of a front quarters that could sleep five veterans it included a bathroom with a shower, and a back end with a bath, bedroom and a large living room with a kitchen like area. The room had a large window overlooking the lake and was to be a place for a Camp caretaker. The building was well insulated so as to extend the months it could be utilized.
Later Seymour Post 106 added a back porch overlooking the boat mooring area and lake. Both Appleton and Seymour Posts have continued to support the cabin financially and by providing work parties for cleaning up in both Spring and Fall, occasional painting and so forth. This Spring all the windows will be replaced and the cabin will be ready for the 2014 season.
Milt Teske and several others of Appleton Post 38, Clarence VandeHei, Loren Cismoski, and Russ Hanseter of Seymour Post 106, along with two carpenters from Eau Claire completed the cabin in summer of 1988. Seymour also had a part in the Main Building being sided by the Wisconsin National Guard when Russ approached the Commandant of the Guard at Badger Boys State one June. The next day a helicopter carrying National Guard “brass” was met by Dan Liotta, then Camp Director. The working arrangements were completed and renovation took place that summer. That project saved us tens of thousands of dollars in labor.
National Commander Jake Comer was the featured speaker that year at the Mid-Winter-Conference at Hudson, WI.