Krause-Kraft Post 106 of Seymour, WI first established its annual scholarship program open to graduating high school seniors of the Seymour Community School System 33 years ago..The number of scholarships has varied from four to thirteen awarded in any one year. The money for the scholarships comes from CD's invested specifically for scholarships. For the 2018 school year seven (7) scholarships of $500.00 each will be awarded. As of 2018 over 200 scholarships have been awarded. The award carries no restrictions of membership by members of your family in The American Legion, the Legion Auxiliary or the Sons of The American Legion. It is open to graduating seniors in SCHS regardless of where they live in the district. The award is paid to recipients in December following their successful completion of their first semester in post high school programs including public or private Universities,Colleges, Technical Schools, Nursing Programs or certified schools that prepare people for a career of their choice. Scholarship applications are distributed through the high school Guidance Department and once complete returned there. Make sure you complete the application to the best of your ability and meet the established deadlines for eligibility. Scholarship recipients will be recognized at the annual High School Academic Awards Program in May of your graduation year. This award program was established by three members of Post 106, attorney's Vernon Lubinski. Richard Lubinski and Russ Hanseter in 1985. Good luck to you as you begin to plan your post high school education in preparation for the career of your choice.