Meeting records of Krause-Kraft Post 106 dating back to 1927 reveal the impact this 85 year partnership has had on the Post and the community that we serve. Meeting minutes show receipts for our food and beverage stand for August 21, 1927 of $128.00, August 22, $246.30, and August 23, 1927 $34.55 for a total of $409.35. Bills for ice cream, meat, bakery, lumber for the stand and a stove came to $286.35 yielding a profit of $122.00 for the event. It was noted that a member, Joe Huettl, donated ice for the Fair. In 1928, Raymond Miller Chairman for the event reported a profit of $349.44 while in 1929 the profit fell to $168.07. In 2001 the Outagamie County Fair Association built a new grandstand. Post 106 built a food kitchen and two walk in coolers with bar completely around them under that grandstand. The coolers have multiple tap lines on all sides with stainless steel splash trays and drains. The Auxiliary unit purchased grills, refrigerators, exhaust system, had sinks installed and we were ready for the 2001 Fair. The Post and Auxiliary then donated the building to the Fair Association. A plaque on the corner of the building commemorates the donation as shown in our picture gallery. The partnership has enabled us to fund a myriad of programs and community projects over the years including a $5,000 donation toward a community library, video equipment and bullet proof vests for full and part time police, air bags for emergency extraction from farm equipment accidents, money toward the jaws-for-life, cold weather wear for Seymour Rescue Squad, a flag pole in the circle drive at the nursing home along with an organ for the chapel and a patient name and room display at the entrance to the facility. In addition income from the stand has provided scholarships for high school seniors, A& G Test cash awards, an obstacle course on school property. Donations to Fallen Timbers a nature preserve, sponsorships of Badger Boys and Girls, Cub, Boy and Girl scouting, a cabin at Camp American Legion, money for the Citizens Flag Alliance, substantial donations for a Veterans Park and Memorial, a Legion Baseball Team, donations for summer softball and soccer and much more. The Post was able to establish a wheel chair and other equipment loan closet with walkers and crutches and then turn it over to local city government for administration. We built an addition onto our Post home with a complete functional kitchen and purchase additional properties for parking. With a long tradition of Fairs past we look forward to continuing this partnership with the Outagamie County Fair Association for years to come. See picture gallery for some pictures.