2602 Marvin Road SE, PO Box 5639Lacey, WA  98509-5639

(360) 459-0150



               Commander                                                        Service Officer                                    Adjutant

Gary Walker                                                       Rose Hodgeboom                                Larry Granish

(360) 867-1839                                                   (360) 491-3621                                    (360) 459-5545

walkersolympia@comcast.net                             rhodgeboom@comcast.net                   lgrani@comcast.net



May 8, 2020




Virtual Meeting using Cisco Webex Meetings was opened by Commander Walker at 7:30.




Roll Call of Officers: 


                        Commander Gary Walker


                        1st Vice Commander Eric Strom, excused


                        2nd Vice Commander Bob Nakamura, excused


                        Adjutant Larry Granish


                        Chaplain Otis Chapman, excused


                        Finance Officer Jose Vargas


                        Service Officer Rose Hodgeboom


                        Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Lindsey, excused


                        Judge Advocate Dave Hodgeboom


                        Historian Len Tobin




Minutes of March 13, 2020 meeting approved as posted on website. Our April meeting was canceled due to Corvid19 restrictions.




A total of 13 attended some portion of the virtual meeting.




Nominations Committee Chair, Len Tobin, read the list of nominations. This will constitute the second reading of nominations:




            Commander, Rose Hodgeboom


            1st Vice Commander, Gary Walker


            2nd Vice Commander, Len Tobin


            Adjutant, Larry Granish


            Chaplain, Jackie Goo


            Service Officer, Gary Walker


            Sergeant-at-Arms, Kevin Lindsey


            Judge Advocate, Dave Hodgeboom


            Historian, Bob Nakamura




Commander Walker appointed Len Tobin, Dave Hodgeboom, Larry Granish and Jackie Goo to an ad hoc committee to review the by laws and provide recommendations addressing emergency situations and possible use of virtual meeting applications.




Commander reported that Aaron Breitbarth, Al Johnson and Kevin Lindsey have volunteered to conduct Buddy Check. They have been given a list of members to contact. The purpose of the Buddy Checks is to let our members know that we are here and to see if they may need assistance. Eric Strom and Charles “Grumpy” Rommel also helped with Buddy Checks. Grumpy can no longer help due to recent back surgery.




Committee Reports




·       Adjutant Larry Granish reported that the post is currently at 280 members for its goal of 213, 131.46%.


·       Finance Officer Jose Vargas presented finance report. Balance through February 29 is $1,630.63. Evergreen Boys State balance is $785.68. We have sufficient funds on hand to pay recurring bills through July. The loss of rentals due to Corvid19 has reduced our income to near zero. Membership renewal income for 2021 can no be expected until sometime in July. Jose asked that the money earmarked for Boys State be released for general fund use since Boys State has been cancelled. Motion made seconded and passed to release earmarked funds from Boys State to general fund.


·       Service Officer Rose Hodgeboom reported she has processed two claims and is working on an appeal. Len Tobin has processed one claim.


·       Historian Len Tobin reported that he has completed the write-up of our 2019-2020 history report.




Business and Correspondence




·       Nominations and elections of officers for the 2020-2021 Legion Year. Chair Len Tobin read the list of nominees for the third time:


o   Commander, Rose Hodgeboom


o   1st Vice Commander, Gary Walker


o   2nd Vice Commander, Len Tobin


o   Adjutant, Larry Granish


o   Chaplain, Jackie Goo


o   Service Officer, Gary Walker


o   Sergeant-at-Arms, Kevin Lindsey


o   Judge Advocate, Dave Hodgeboom


o   Historian, Bob Nakamura


·       Commander Walker asked if there were any further nominations. There being no response to the question after it was asked three times, nominations were closed. Motion was made, seconded and passed directing the Adjutant cast an unanimous ballot for the list of nominees.


·       Commander Walker congratulated the newly elected slate of officers. Installation of officers is held during our June meeting. It is more than likely that it will be a virtual installation. Gary will invite Department Vice Commander, Area II, Terry Bryant to install. If she is unable to do so, we have several members who are qualified to install.


·       Jose Vargas stated that he would look into possibility of receiving an emergency loan to recoup some of our lost income.


·       Larry Granish reported that the new front window has been installed. The old window had failed but the wood framing was still in good condition. Total cost was $1005.00.




Good of the Legion:




·       Jose Vargas reported that the Waterside and Capitol Memorial Day ceremonies have been cancelled.


·       Larry Granish reported that the Woodlawn Ceremony that we co-sponsor has been cancelled. However, we still plan to place flags at Woodlawn and Forest Cemeteries. We will meet at 9:00 am on Saturday, May 23 to place them and recover them on Tuesday, May 26 beginning at 10:00.  By dividing the flags and splitting up between the two cemeteries, we will be able to place them and maintain social distancing.




There being no further business, Commander Walker closed the meeting at 8:30 pm.








Gary Walker                                                                           Larry Granish


Commander                                                                            Adjutant


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