R. V. Van Schoick


American Legion Post 94




APRIL 2019 Newsletter




Up-Coming Meetings and Events




Monthly Membership Meetings (Second Friday of every month except July)


6:00 pm – Social


6:30 pm – Dinner 


7:30 pm – Program




12 April 2019


Our Post’s Venture Crew will be conducting a class for us on weapons safety.




10 May 2019


Election of 2019-2020 officers and planning for National Commander’s visit in June 2019




14 June 2019


Installation of 2019-2020 officers and Vietnam War Anniversary Award Ceremony




Post and American Legion News




There are a number of things happening over the next several months at the Post that might be of interest and request for volunteers.




First, the American Legion National Commander will be coming to our Post on 26 June 2019 for dinner and meeting. You are cordially invited to attend and your assistance in preparing for his visit would be much appreciated. If you plan on attending, please let the adjutant know. Larry can be contacted at 360.701.5921 or email at lgrani@comcast.net.




Second, our Post is partnering with the Lacey Veterans Services Hub and Home Depot to do repairs and assist disabled veterans in our area. Home Depot supplies the materials and some volunteers and we are asked to provide additional volunteers and refreshments.


·       19 April – this is a WWII veteran and spouse who have mobility issues.


·       23 April – this is a Vietnam veteran who is an amputee and has bladder cancer with mobility issues.


Both of these projects will be the construction of wheelchair ramps and walkways plus some yard clean up. These are great opportunities to help other veterans in need. If you could help, please contact the Post Commander at 360.867.1839 or walkersolympia@comcast.net.




The Post now has a website in addition to its Facebook page. Please check it out at:






You can also follow Post activities on Facebook. Check it out and like us to follow events.


Our Facebook page is American Legion Post 94 Lacey Washington.




General Veteran and Safety News




With spring upon us, it is time to start doing yard work and recovering from the snow. Here are some basic tips to keep you safe.




Six tips to keep yard work safe




Don’t let yard work become a pain in the neck. Whether you’re an avid gardener or dread mowing the grass, you are susceptible to outdoor injury, including:


·       Back injuries from heavy lifting


·       Strained muscles from planting or raking


·       Rotator cuff tendonitis from pruning hedges with heavy sheers


·       Lower back pain from weeding




Here are six tips from April Artis, M.D., a primary care physician at Piedmont, to ensure yard work does not become a health hazard. https://www.piedmont.org/living-better/six-tips-to-keep-yard-work-safe




1. Prevent overuse injury




You may engage muscles during yard work that you don’t use on a daily basis. Take a few minutes to stretch and warm up before you grab the pruning shears or rake. As you work, try to change tasks every 30 minutes or so to avoid a repetitive-use injury.




2. Lift properly




When lifting anything, bend from the hips and knees, not the back. If you are moving material from one place to another, use a cart or wheelbarrow to avoid straining your back.




3. Wear gloves and protective clothing




Not only do gloves improve your grip on tools, but they also provide protection from splinters, debris and poison ivy.




“Leaves of three, let them be,” Dr. Artis says. “Poison ivy is an extremely common condition that can be minimized by wearing lightweight long sleeves, pants and gloves. It is also wise to shower immediately following any exposure to poison ivy. Soap helps wash away the oils before they have a chance to create a full-blown episode of intense itching.”




4. Stay hydrated




When it is warm outside, it is easy to become dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids before and during yard work. Take a break and sit in the shade if you start to feel lightheaded.


“Many people spend hours working in the yard without taking a break to refuel,” she says. “This can lead to lightheadedness and dehydration, which should be taken seriously, especially for seniors who can end up in a doctor’s office for something that could have been easily avoided.”




5. Wear sunscreen




Don’t be deceived by a cloudy day. UV rays come through the clouds the same as when it is sunny out, so sunscreen is vital when you spend prolonged time outdoors. Dr. Artis recommends using zinc- or titanium-based physical sunscreens versus chemical sunscreens that penetrate your skin. She also reminds gardeners to apply SPF to the neck area, which is easily neglected. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat can also help protect the neck and face.




6. Nix pesky bug bites




Mosquitos thrive in damp areas, so empty anything in your yard that contains standing water, such as gutters, pet water dishes, planters, buckets, pool covers, old tires or birdbaths.




Protect yourself from mosquito-borne diseases, like West Nile Virus, by wearing light colored clothing, long sleeves, pants and socks, and an insect repellant that contains DEET when you’re working outdoors. Once your yard work is complete, scan your body for ticks – particularly in your hair – and shower to remove the insect repellant. 




By taking these precautions, you can have a beautiful yard and get some exercise without risking your health.






Murphy’s Military Laws of the month




·       Radar tends to fail at night and in bad weather, and especially during both.


·       All battles are fought at the junction of two or more map sheets, printed at different scales.


·       If the enemy is within range, so are you.


·       If you can’t see the enemy, he still may be able to see you.




Adjutant’s Report




If you have not renewed your membership for this year, please do so soon.






Building Rental




If you were not aware, the Post offers both the post building and the pavilion for rent.





Post Members


Post Building



Pavilion (available only on week nights)






Pavilion is no longer available for weekend rentals. The post has a Church renting it for both Saturday and Sundays.




There is a $200.00 refundable security deposit requirement as well. Please contact Larry Granish at 360.701.5921 or email at lgrani@comcast.net to reserve either facility.




Chaplain’s Corner




Contact the Post Chaplain, Otis Chapman, at lukie1964@gmail.com if you need assistance.




Service Officer and VA News




Pre-Need Burial Eligibility Determination




The Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration receives applications and makes Pre-Need burial eligibility determinations on a first in - first out basis. We are pleased to be providing this service and honored that so that so many view national cemeteries as national shrines commemorating service and sacrifice to our Nation. Due to the unprecedented number of applications received, we have temporarily shifted our focus to notifying each applicant that we have received their application and communicating with them about expected timelines for completion of our determination. We expect to have this notification out to each applicant shortly.




Please note that it is most critical that we provide eligibility and scheduling support to families with Time of Need requests for burial, meaning those circumstances where a death has occurred and families need to schedule a burial at a national cemetery. If that is your situation, you should contact your funeral service provider or the National Cemetery Scheduling Office at 1-800-535-1117.




We sincerely apologize for the delay, appreciate your patience and thank Veterans and their families for their service to our nation.



We are no longer accepting email submissions for
VA Form 40-10007, Application for Pre-Need Determination of Eligibility for Burial in a VA National Cemetery. We hope to resume this service in the future. We are continuing to process applications via mail and fax.

Please mail to:
National Cemetery Scheduling Office
P.O. Box 510543
St. Louis, MO 63151

Or fax to:
Fax (toll-free): 1-855-840-8299




The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) implemented the pre-need burial eligibility determination program to assist anyone who would like to know if they are eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery. VA is promoting pre-need eligibility determinations to encourage Veterans and their eligible family members to plan in advance to use VA burial benefits that Veterans have earned through their military service. Planning in advance for a Veteran's or loved-one's final resting place can eliminate unnecessary delays and reduce stress on a family at a difficult time. Veteran families will have increased confidence that their loved ones are eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery at their time of need.




Download The Application (VA40-10007.pdf)




Upon request VA will make eligibility determinations for burial in a VA national cemetery in advance of need. Eligible individuals are entitled to burial in any open VA national cemetery which includes opening/closing of the grave, a government-furnished grave liner, perpetual care of the gravesite, and a government-furnished upright headstone or flat marker or niche cover all at no cost to the family. Veterans are also eligible for a burial flag and Presidential Memorial Certificate.




Burial in a VA national cemetery is open to all members of the armed forces and Veterans who have met minimum active duty service requirements, as applicable by law and were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. Members of the reserve components of the armed forces who die while on active duty under certain circumstances or who die while on training duty are also eligible for burial, as are service members and former service members who were eligible for retired pay at the time of their death. Spouses, minor children and, under certain conditions, dependent unmarried adult children are also eligible for burial even if they predecease the Veteran.




The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has implemented this pre-need eligibility program so that Veterans, spouses and unmarried dependent adult children may better prepare for burial in a VA national cemetery prior to the time of need. Interested individuals may submit VA Form 40-10007, Application for Pre-Need Determination of Eligibility for Burial in a VA National Cemetery, along with a copy of supporting documentation of military service such as a DD214, if readily available, by: toll-free fax at 1-855-840-8299; or mail to the National Cemetery Scheduling Office, P.O. Box 510543, St. Louis, MO 63151. If you are a Hmong individual or applying for a Hmong individual, read this fact sheet for more information.




Authorized representatives can also apply on behalf of eligible claimants. An authorized agent or representative is an individual authorized by the claimant to make decisions on the claimant's behalf. An authorized representative first needs to be recognized by VA as an authorized representative or agent by filing a VA Form 21-22 Appointment of Veterans Service Organization As Claimant Representative or VA Form 21-22a Appointment of Attorney Or Agent As Claimant Representative. You can access the forms at www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-22-ARE.pdf and VA Form 21-22a at www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-22A-ARE.pdf. Written authorization should be included with the VA Form 40-10007, Application for Pre-Need Determination of Eligibility for Burial in a VA National Cemetery, if available. A notarized statement is not required. 




VA will review pre-need burial applications and provide written notice of a determination of eligibility. VA will store the pre-need application, supporting documentation, and the decision letter to expedite burial arrangements at the time of need. We encourage you to keep the decision letter with supporting documentation with your important papers in a safe place and to discuss you burial wishes and final arrangements with your loved ones or other representatives.  Submission of a pre-need burial eligibility application does not obligate the Veteran or family member to burial in a VA national cemetery.




Applicants may indicate a preference for a VA national cemetery on the application form, but a pre-need determination of eligibility does not guarantee burial in a specific VA national cemetery or a specific gravesite. VA assigns gravesites in cemeteries with available space once death has occurred and the burial is scheduled.




At your time of need, your next-of-kin, funeral home or other representative responsible for making your final arrangements should contact the National Cemetery Scheduling Office at (800) 535-1117 to request burial. VA will locate your pre-need decision letter and validate our determination. Because laws affecting VA burial eligibility and individual circumstances may change, upon receipt of a burial request, VA will verify pre-need decisions in accordance with the laws in effect at that time including bars to receipt of burial benefits.




Service Officer Information




Do you feel that you have a residual health problem that is linked to your time in the service?  Have you applied for benefits with the Veterans Administration and been turned down?  If so, do not try to deal with the VA on your own.  My name is Rose Hodgeboom and I am the Post 94 service officer.  It is my job to help you navigate the benefits system.  Call me at 360-491-3621 if you need assistance with a claim.  The Legion also has a Temporary Financial Assistance program that could help you one time with paying your utilities, rent/mortgage, or other emergency needs.  This is an American Legion Children and Youth program and to qualify you must have minor children in your home.  If you feel you need help from this program let me know and I will be glad to help.




The Lacey Veterans Service Hub also provides a wide variety of assistance to veterans and now has over 35 providers working out of there. The Hub is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (except holidays) and is located at 4232 6th Avenue SE, Suite 202, Lacey, WA 98503. The phone number is 360.456.3850.






Post Officers for 2017-2018


Commander – Gary Walker
1st Vice-Commander - Bob Nakamura
2nd Vice Commander - Larry Douglas
Adjutant - Larry Granish
Finance Officer – Dave Hodgeboom
Sergeant at Arms – Kevin Lindsey
Chaplain – Otis Chapman


Veteran Service Officer - Rose Hodgeboom


Judge Advocate - David Hodgeboom


Post Historian – Eric Strom




View more history for Post 94 in Lacey, Washington