American Legion Post 94


Department of Washington, The American Legion


December 14, 2018










               WHEREAS, Over the past decade, while the U.S. and the West have been focused on the Korean peninsula and its potential nuclear confrontation while simultaneously dealing with global terrorism and conflicts in the Middle East, Russia and China have been steadily expanding and strengthening their domination in their respective historical areas of influence and beyond.


            WHEREAS, While the U.S. remains the current dominant global superpower, that position is slipping. Russia and China are starting to elbow their way into a position of global strength and they are not being held accountable for their recent actions. Their actions will have a negative impact on U.S. and western security and economic interests both in the near and long term.


            WHEREAS, Russia has taken a more overtly and militarily aggressive stance. Since 2000, Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, has worked to increase the country’s global military and cyberwarfare position. He has annexed Crimea, is in quasi-open war with Ukraine, has launched cyberwarfare attacks against a number of western countries and the United States, and is the power behind the throne in Syria. He has dealt harshly with his domestic critics and opponents with actions ranging from exile and imprisonment to assassination.


            WHEREAS, China under Xi has been working very diligently on asserting its global position as well. Xi and his government have taken several approaches that to date are not quite as openly aggressive as Russia’s are but is becoming more militarily and economically assertive. China is expanding and modernizing its military forces and is starting to exert its military power in the western Pacific region as well as conducting joint military exercises with the Russians.  China has been the most aggressive on the economic front, increasing its cyberwarfare efforts, and has started several initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative to redirect global economics as well as opening an international banking system that will challenge the World Bank and other western financial institutions. If these financial actions are effective, they will have a very strong and enduring impact on global trade and business as well as provide political leverage for China.


            WHEREAS, The U.S. Department of Defense has identified the current and on-going threats posed by Russia and China and has developed strategies to counter the efforts of both countries. These strategies are identified and explained in its 2018 National Defense Strategy of The United States of America.


            RESOLVED, By the American Legion Post 94 at Lacey, Washington, on 14 December 2018, That the American Legion supports the further development, expansion, and implementation of the 2018 National Defense Strategy of The United States of America; and be it finally


            RESOLVED, That the American Legion continue to exert maximum effort to ensure that the U.S. Department of Defense continues to counter the aggressive actions of Russia and China as well as other countries and organizations opposed to the United States of America.






This is to certify that the above resolution was adopted by American Legion Post 94.


            Adjutant                                                          Commander




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