American Legion Post 94


E-Board Meeting


December 2017 


·       Call to Order


·       Commander – add a note about my goals to December e-newsletter? Yes

a.      Thurston County Food Bank would like to work with us to distribute Christmas baskets. It was agreed that 12/22 would be a good day and do it at the Hub if it okay with them. Gary to follow up with Food Bank and Hub.

b.     Also, Gary suggested that the Post donate $100 to Food Bank and give their POC a certificate of appreciation at one of our Post meetings. It was agreed.

c.      Sons of Italy rental funds will be distributed as follows when funds are received:

                                          i.     Fort Lewis AER - $200

                                        ii.     McChord Chaplain’s Fund - $200

                                      iii.     Camp Murray – $200 of Fred Meyer gift cards will be presented to LTC Brewer at the January 2018 Post meeting

                                      iv.     American Legion Gift Shops (American Lake and Orting) - $150 each

d.     It was agreed that adjutant and finance officer will start processing membership transmittals on-line via myLegion.


·       New Business

a.      Veterans Stand Down Food Baskets: The Post picked up and distributed 80 food baskets at the stand down. Small U-Haul for pickup was very helpful.

b.     Community Awards: see handout. Post will use Department application forms and Gary will create one for veteran volunteer based on Department forms. Gary will start working with Lacey on the process.

c.      Boy Scout Troop Representative: Bob will start doing this. Bob and Gary are planning to meet with the troop on 4 December.


·       Old Business

a.      November 5, 2017 Race in Lacey: reactions? Would do it again if asked.

b.     WDVA WWII and Vietnam War display and Post will offer to host. Rose and Dave to follow up with WDVA – I believe this event is already over? Dave will follow up.

c.      Boys/Girls State for 2018: Gary and Karen started developing work plan on 30 November and will visit the respective high schools to get the recruitment underway. Do we want to include discussion with the schools about the educator of the year award? 

d.     Article for Department newsletter was finalized and sent to Department for inclusion in their January 2018 edition.

e.      Post cards to Post members concerning electronic communications and membership renewals were finalized. Larry printed post cards and mailing labels and Gary mailed them on 24 & 29 November. Gary will draft postcard, Larry will review and print postcards and mailing labels. Gary will mail.

f.      Develop our membership goal plan: it was decided that following the January 2018 E-Board meeting, that the Post would conduct a membership recruitment and reach out phone call work session. Details will be finalized at the December 2017 E-Board meeting. 


·       On Hold

g.     Pavilion roof quotas (Dave): Action deferred and gutter repairs for Post building will be added to work assignment. Dave will work on it.

h.     Property boundary application – submitted and awaiting final report from Thurston County. Gary is meeting with Thurston county on 7 December to finalize. 

i.       The potential, pending need for facility repairs is a concern. At the January 2018 E-Board several options will be evaluated to include the sale of trees, sale of an acre of land, and the installation of a cell tower.


·       Calendar


·       Reports and Updates

a.      1st Vice

b.     2nd Vice

                                          i.     Programs


1.     December – Salvation Army Presentation (& Christmas Party – no, not enough time to set up) 

2.     January – LTC Brewer – suicide prevention; Hub volunteers, Posts 49 & 100 invited

3.     February – USO 

4.     March – CPR/Medic One (potential)


c.      Adjutant – We have membership goal of 226. We are currently at 151 or 66.8%. 

d.     Finance Officer

e.      VSO

f.      Chaplain

g.     Sergeant at Arms

h.     Historian

i.       Judge Advocate

j.       Auxiliary


·       December Post Meeting

a.      Dinner menu? Ham and potatoes.

b.     Dave and Gary to meet prior to mount pictures and resolutions on wall. 

c.      Board members are asked to come at 4:30 pm to help with set up.


·       Good of the order

a.      Add VSO and Hub info to our website.

View more history for Post 94 in Lacey, Washington