Grandview’s American Legion Post 57 has named their officers for the coming year. All officers will assume their duties after the State Convention in July, but not later than August 1st.

Elected officers were Robert Gates, Commander, Curt Nealen, 1st Vice Commander and Vicky Gates, 2nd Vice Commander.

Appointed officers are Jim Davidson, Adjutant and Finance Officer, Dudley Brown, Chaplain and Jeanine Martin, Sgt-at-Arms. Davidson was also named as the lead Service Officer for the Post’s six Service Officers and Nealen was also named as Judge Advocate.

“I feel very fortunate to have such good officers as back-up as well as a supportive membership,” said Commander Gates. “For a small Post, we do much more for our communities than most Posts, and that’s due to committed members.”

View more history for Post 57 in Grandview, Washington