In the first year of Post 206 being in existence, they didn't hesitate to do everything in their capacity to help veterans. At the annual Department of Washington Convention (2017-2018) the Post took home many awards to include the Herb Davis Community Service Award, the Richard B. Ott Membership Award, the Dr. Louis S. Dewey Rehabilitation Award, and the post commander, Jordan Houghton, was award the Department Membership Recruiter of the Year (2018) award and a Silver Brigade award. With these, the post also received their 100% Membership Goal ribbon for 2018, and 100% Honor Ribbon for 2018.
The post had only been in active participation of events since February of 2018, which is when it received its permanent charter from The American Legion (National Headquarters), but even with five months left, they put the pedal down and coasted into service projects and helping veterans. This naturally attracted many others to their cause and bolstered their membership significantly in their first year!