During the 200 Memorial Day Program at he Castleton Village School the questoin was asked, who are Cirppen and Fellows, the name sakes of the American Legion #50. Other than the fact that they were both Castleton residents killed in France in World War !, little was known. The lack of informatoin inspired Benjamin Smith to undertake, as a community service project, the task of researching Crippen and Fellows.
His efforts resulted in the preparation of a notbook containing dat on Clayton Crippena nd Erol Fellows. The informationassembled included ahort biographical sketch of each man, copies of their draft registration cards, photos of the Meadowbrook School Plaque at Castleton Town Hall dedicated to the Castleton residents who served in teh Cival War and QQ!, casualty records recording the place of death and burial, and various World War 1 era photos.
Benjamin's research involved checking both written and Internet sources and compiling the informaiton into anotebook, whic was presented to the Commander, Cripen Fellows Post #50, at the Village School Memorial Day 2006 Program. Benjamin's efforts and the product of his work demostrates personal initiative, organizational skills, as sense of Patriotism, and reflects great credit on himself and the Castonton Village School.