Dr, Windsor DeForest Bowen was a charter member of Post #37 . He first practiced in Saxtons River, VT , where he conducted a private hospital and was later in Bellows Falls for 25 years, where he was also the health officer for Westminster. He died October 1941.
He was called to active duty on December 14, 1917 to the medical corps and was stationed Ft Oglethorpe, Georgia. He was discharge July, 2, 1919 as a Captain.
Born November 3, 1880- Dickinson Ctr, NY and died October 17,1941 of apoplexy and complications of diabetes and chronic nephritis.
Dr. Bowen had one son Nelson Ashley Bowen born August 10,1908 and died March 20, 1985 in St Petersburg, Florida.
Dr. Windsor Bowen charter member of Post #37
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