Born March 3, 1891 in Batavia, Illinois. Enlisted Battery A 15th Field Artillery,2d Division from Bellows Falls. He was a cow tester by occupation.
Corporal Lillie was awarded the French Cross de Guerrero with gilt star dated Jan 3, 1919. It read:
In the Champagne offensive at Blanc Mont, during the period October 2-12, 1918,he displayed much courage and bravery up to the moment he was wounded on October 7, 1918.
Harry returned home to Bellows Falls wounded and from exposure to being gassed in battle he suffered serious medical challenges. He died June 16, 1920 a the age of 29. His death certificate states death hypertrophic cirrhosis of liver cause gassed and wounded in France and never been well since.
He is buried in Oak Hill cemetery.
Harry A. Lillie WWI hero
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