First Father and Daughter Department Commanders in the Nation!! Linda, grew up hearing the story of her fathers tragic cerebral aneurysm. She also realized early in life that The American Legion family was truly a support system for her family. The members, not only saved her fathers life, but, they saved the family with kindness and support. 

Upon her return from the US Army, medical corps, she joined The American Legion. Initially, it was to spend time with her Dad Wayne Mclean. But, she found membership and children and youth programs to be her favorite programs. 

With guidance from her father, she studied the program, graduated from the new American Legion National College in 1999 and began preparing for Department Commander 2001-2002. Unfortunately, her father, never saw that day. He died suddenly in 2000. She carried his love for programs with her. 

Department Sergeant at Arms: from Post #37 Richard Boucher.


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