1954 a young Korean War veterans suffers a cerebral aneurysm. Facing death or certain vegetative state , the VA doctors did not give much hope to his young wife. Wayne, just 28 and Beverly 27, they faced a tragic cross road. Brenda age 5 years,  only knew daddy wasnt coming home. But, after months in a coma, he returned , not able to speak or walk.He worked diligently, day in and day out, wanting only to return to work and support his family. With the support of Post 37 Legion family providing transportation for his wife to the VA hospital 45 miles away and Auxiliary providing fuel, food and support of his young wife....he returned. 

When he could walk, he entered, for the first time, to Post #37. He wanted to thank the Legionnaires for everything they did for him and his family. An emotional stuttering "Thank you" led to the Legionnaires asking him if he liked Boy Scouts.The Post was doing a paper and bottle drive to raise money and they asked him to join them. How could he refuse! He became an active and grateful member. He held many post chairmanships and  offices. Post Commander then led this humble man to working on a Department level. Baseball and Boy Scouts remained his love. In 1986 he became Department Commander. Although, he continued to struggle with speaking, a residual from the severe stroke. He was known as a quiet man and nicknamed "Bylaws Mclean" for his knowledge of the guiding principles of The American Legion. 

His love for our country and The American Legion, the veterans and the valued programs was always his concern. 

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