Temporary Charter Application sent to National HQ and Established 1919. From 1919 to 1923 Post #37 held their meetings at the State Armory. The original signers as “Charter members” were: Thomes Brickley Commander; James H. McDonald Jr. Adjutant; Arthur J. Sherman Treasurer; Wilford C. Moore Service Officer; Walter S. Shaw Historian; W.H. Cyrus, Melvin Fontaine, Joseph K. Doyle, W.F. Donegal, James Docuette, James Slattery, H.L. Neilson, Harold Coffee, John Lindstrom, A.A. Fontaine, Michael Moynihan, Thomas O'Donnell, Michael Stark,John W. McAuliffe, John Massucco, Earle Chandler, Henry Boucher, Elmer Sanborn, Windsor Bowen, Arthur Thommpson, Gary Simonds, P. Emerson, Micahel Manning jr., T. Blake, Arthur Linstrom. The dues were $2.00 .
1924-1926 they were on the Square in the Times building which was located at 55-57 Square. (Now a coffee shop and tatto parlor).
The Post leased the top floor of the Nelson Fought Building on Canal street for their functions, dinners and lounge area. Even after the 1955 Dreamland Theatre was purchased, the post retained a lease at this location until the expansion for a lounge in the new post home was completed.