Robert M. Higgins



Graduated from St. Joseph’s School and Rutland Business College.


7/15/18-6/23/1919 World War I veteran served in France. He was a corporal in the mechan. Tank corps. 


Secretary and Manager of the Metzger Brothers Awning Company for 40 years. 


Rutland Past Commander 1929-1930. Held various committees supporting the post. 


District Commander 1930-31.


1950-56 He served Rutland School board and served as President and chairman of the finance committee. During his tenure the Northeast School was built, new Junior High school was started to be built, Park Street was rebuilt. He also negotiated teachers salaries and pensions. 


Organizations he joined: Marble city council, United Commercial Travelors of America, 4th Degree Washington Assembly of K of C. Rutland Chamber of Commerce. Rutland Eagles Club. 


Higgins made news when he decided to run for select board of West Rutland. A few days later he wanted to pull his candidacy due to pressure from his boss at the Green Mountain Marble Company, who was also a selectman on the board. However, Vermont ruling did not allow that, so his name stayed on the ballot. He and his wife were fired by the boss of the GM Marble company citing behavior issues. Front page news as lawyers got involved in the issue of illegal termination. Over 650 West Rutland residents signed petitions demanding the company restore their jobs. Due to intense pressure from the residents, the company restored their employment. However, Mrs Higgins refused to return to the company. Mr. Higgins, served his constituents, that supported him with care and dedication. 


1965 Mrs Higgins dies. His children had grown and moved to other areas of the country. His son was an Army officer who was stationed in California. 


1980 Mr Higgins suffered a rupture of an aortic aneurysm. His service at Christ the King Church and he is buried at the Calvary Cemetery. 


Businessman, politician, supporter of the educational system and veteran. 





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