Dr Hamilton a compassionate member of the community of Rutland, VT.
1891 graduated from University of Vermont Medical School and was distinguished and excelled with regards to Military Scince and tactics. He then graduated from the College of Physicians in Batimore, MD
He served in the Spanish American War as a surgeon.
1914 elected Commander of the Vermont Spanish American War Veterans (Teddy Roosevelt Chapter).
1914 Vermont Medical Sorient Executive Board and 1915 became the secretary for the board.
1915 Elected to Rutland School Board.
1918 WWI serving in the Medical Unit Reserve Component stationed at Fort Williams, Maine Rank of Captain 6/29/18-1/22/1919.
1918 Elected Treasurer and District Surgeon of the New England Association of Railroad Sureons.
1921 Elected President of Rutland Hospital physicians association.
1924 Volunteered as physician to provide free medical examinations, immunizations to all men in the Rutland area that were entering the "Citizens Military Training Camps".
1925 Post Commander of Rutland Post #31
1926 became Rutland Post membership chairman and increased their membership to 181 members, the largest post in the state of Vermont.
1926 Bert Hyland (PDC, PNVC and 1st Cdr of Rutland Post #31), gave the nomination speech to elect Dr. Hamilton Department Commander. He ran against George Gonneville of St. Johnsbury in a tight race, winning 82-70. His Department Adjutant was Jack Crowley from Rutland Post #31.
1927 He financially pulled the Department out of trouble, managed to reduce their debt. This was at the same time of the flood of 1927 which had devestated Vermont residents.
1928 Began scholarship program for children that showed good character, leadership and scholarship.
1930 President of the Vermont Society of Sons of The American Revolution.
1920 Suffered a heart attack and was home bound. 1932 recieved a Life membership from Post #31. 1939 he died at the age of 71. He is buried at the Glendale, LA, California cemetery .