Over 100 years ago, Post #31 applied for its temporary charter into The American Legion. This organization was formed with the principles described in the Preamble of our Constitution. Our mission statement that has not changed over the past 100 years, other than the word War to Wars. Our purpose was clear to those doughboys of WWI, it was to honor our communities, states and Nation. To promote all that is right with America, that of honor and integrity. To support our fellow comrades and their families. Seemed like a noble cause. This experiment must not have been easy. No internet, no cell phones, no instant messaging systems. To get this project off the ground, we needed men of action with a sincere commitment to others.   Bert Hyland was that man.  First of the charter members and our First Commander.


Bert was a LT. Colonel upon his overseas tour in WWI. He served prior in the Spanish American War and had a distinguished, 45-year commitment, as a soldier. Last duty was as Commander of Company A the 172nd Regiment of the Vermont National Guard Infantry Division.


He was an expert marksman and 1913 competed International Rifle Competitions. I am sure that skill came in handy as post commander.


1920 He became the Rutland City Police Chief.


1921 He was elected the Vermont American Legion State Commander.


1924-1933 He served as the Federal Prohibition Director for the State of Vermont.

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