The American Legion was an experiment to assist the WWI veterans and their families. Horatio Nelson Jackson organizer needed a man that could lead the State as Commander. 

Reverand John Martin Thomas was asked to lead the organization. A man of faith, educator, business man with an gift for fundraising money. 

John Martin Thomas was born at Fort Covington, NY. born 12/27/1869. 

He resided in Middlebury, VT

Served as a 1LT Chaplain 10/2/1918-4/5/1919. His principal station was Camp Taylor, KY and Hoboken, NJ

He was College President of the following: Middlebury College 1908-1921; Penn State 1921-25; Rutgers University 1925-1930; Norwich University (Acting President) 1943. 

Vice President of National Life Insurance Company. 

Pastor of the Arlington Avenue Presbyterian Church in East Orange NJ 1893-1908. 

1943 in his retirement you could see a 5 star blue banner hanging in his window. Representing his son, son-in-law, and three grandsons serving our country WWII.

He died Feb 26, 1952 of colon cancer and is buried in Middlebury, VT



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