Cdr. Howard Harrington WHEELER, (1899 - 1983) our 15th post commander in 1933. He was born in Poultney, VT 26 July 1899. He enlisted 9 April 1917 at Fort Ethan Allen. He was assigned to Co. K of the 1st. VT inf. until 31 Aug 1918; then 57th. Pion Inf. and then 2nd. Engrs. until discharged 14 August 1919 a Cpl. at Fort Devens. He served overseas from 27 Sept. 1918 to 9 Aug. 1919. He died 7 Jan 1983 - his occupation was listed as a musician (piano tuner). He is buried in the Pultney Cemetery, Poultney, VT.