DR. ROSCOE AVERY (1896-1973), our tenth commander (1928) was born in North Lawrence, New York. A 1907 graduate of the University of Vermont, he was living in East Barre when he was called into active service as 1st Lieutenant in the Medical Corps on 1 September 1918.  He served at Camp Sherman, Ohio, until discharge on 25 October 1919.

 In the 1920’s, he was a pioneer in research into silicosis that was such a scourge among granite workers at the time. He, along with Dr. John Woodruff, also of Barre and also a World War I veteran, “gave their services gratuitously and. . . .were most intelligent and efficient in their work,” according to the 1922 “Report of Medical Investigation of Granite Cutters of Barre, Vermont.”2  He was a member of the National Tuberculosis Association and was listed as a governor of the American College of Chest Physicians in 1942.  He is buried in Section H of Hope Cemetery. 



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