February 16, 2014
District Commander Shiela Heindel
Dean Mendenhall, Provo Post 13, The American Legion is requesting for the Excellence Post Award. Post 13 has achieved all requirement for the year 2013-2014 as follows
Excellence Award
To qualify for the Post Excellence Award, a post is required to achieve excellence in four areas: membership, youth activities, community service and support to currently serving troops or veterans.
The purposes of this award are membership growth, exposure of American Legion values to the youth of the community, and increased visibility of the American Legion Family through service projects. A post achieving this qualification will have had numerous post members involved in planning and achieving these goals. Many posts are most likely already active in these areas and will qualify without extra effort. Others, however, will need to increase their efforts in one or more areas to qualify for the award.
The standard to be achieved in each area:
· Membership. Must be at least one member greater than the previous year. At least one post officer attends district meetings.
Provo Post 13 we have moved from a post that was on the verge of consolidating with an Orem Post just to survive, to a thriving, growing and irreplaceable commodity for the city of Provo and Utah County. Our membership moved to a 104% increase in 2011 –2012 to another increase last year of 108%.
Provo Post 13 Commander Howard and Adjutant Johnson has attended every district meeting and Department DEC meeting the last two years
· Youth activities. Must sponsor and actively participate in at least one primary youth program: Boys State, American Legion Baseball, Oratorical, Boy Scouts or Junior Shooting Sports.
O The American Legion Oratorical Scholarship:
Adam Robertson from Provo High School represented Provo at National Competition
In Indianapolis, Indiana. He earned over $3,000 in Scholarship money and an all
Expense paid for him and an escorted to Indiana where he represented Utah in
National Competition for $18,000 Scholarship allowing him to earn $1,500 at each
National Level in the finals.
O American Legion Eagle Scholarship:
Conrad Smith from Timpview High School represented Provo at National for a
$10,000 Scholarship.
O Revitalization Program: Increased membership to 108% (61 members to 118)
O Flag Program: Bought Flags and brackets for every classroom that did not have them
At Timpview, Provo, and Independence High Schools.
O Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and JROTC Freedom Festival Flag Retirement Ceremony
involvement on Flag Protocol and Display for Retiring Flags and Etiquette
· Community service. Must accomplish a community service project with members of the Legion Family actively working in the community outside the post home. A wide range of potential projects exists, such as a project centered on one of Children & Youth’s emphasis areas to fulfilling a strictly local need. A monetary donation may be part of the project but may not constitute the entire project.
Presentations: “Certificates of Appreciation” to business’ and individuals that contributed to Americanism.
· Appleby’s
· Piano Gallery (Patriot Piano)
· Bilco
· School Awards to Provo and Timpview.
· BYU ROTC Army and Air Force “Certificates and Medals” honoring “Scholastic Achievement” and “Military Excellence” (4 levels)
· Provo High School Army JROTC Certificates and Medals” honoring Army “Scholastic Achievement” and “Military Excellence”
· Independence High School JROTC Army “Certificates and Medals” honoring Air Force “Scholastic Achievement” and “Military Excellence”
Flag Presentations and Displays
· Piano Gallery
· Provo Food Coalition Grand Opening
· Appleby’s (also Table for one presentation)
· Cries of Freedom (Sera Park Orem) Homeland Security Swearing in Ceremony
· Freedom Festival of Provo Flag Retirement Ceremony
· Freedom Festival Patriotic Services – Senator Mike Lee
· Orchard 3rd Ward
· Host Department Executive Committee Meeting of The American Legion
· Arts Festival (National Colors)
· Service to troops/veterans. Must accomplish a project supporting troops or veterans in the community with Legion Family members outside the post home. Potential projects include the Family Support Network, Heroes to Hometowns, or simply helping a local veteran with necessary updates to his or her home. Again, a monetary donation may be part of the project but may not constitute the entire project.
O Helped with the Dedication of the Saint George, Ivins Home by driven down over 500 mile round trip and displaying flages for event.
O Helped with the Dedication of Payson Veterans Home by working on the dedication committee
O Members worked on the “Fallen Warrior Monument” dong the Landscaping labor
O Presented over 48 Korean Veterans Certificates from the Department of Defense
O Congressman Chaffetz Military Interviews. Set up and took down Interview site
O Timpview Veterans Day Tribute
O Dean Mendenhall, Provo Post 13 Wrote and Presented The Freedom Festival at
Provo Flag Retirement Ceremony: This was a tribute to the “Gold Star
Families” of Utah whom were are Fallen Warriors families during the “War on
Terror”. “Remembering Utah’s Fallen.” Tribute to Utah’s Gold Star Families
Had 167 Gold Star family members present with Patriot and Legion Riders lining
“The Walk of Honor” with flags lining the escorted Families to their seats.
Your support to submit and receive this award is most appreciated.
For God and Country
Andrew Howard
Dean Mendenhall, Provo Post 13
The American Legion
cc Greg Rowley, Department Adjutant