Communication is one of the foundational elements of a good website. Fred Brock Post #828 has develop a website to enhance internal communications within the American Legion Family of the Post. We have come a long ways in a short period of time. The new website address is:
The website utilizes a variety media (e.g., videos, pictures, links, etc.) to provide our members with access to the latest information about the Post’s activities as well as Department of Texas and National Headquarters. The website provides:
(1) Schedule of Events and an Event Calendar page
(2) Information about the American Legion
(3) Sources of printed publications, pamphlets, and brochures about the American :Legion
(4) American Legion Auxiliary Unit #828 information
(5) Sons of the American Legion Squadron #828 information
(6) Links to the Department of Texas
(7) Links to American Legion National Website
Web pages such as reports and membership rosters have been password protected to protect confidentiality of the information. Passwords can be obtained from the website administrator. Help us make our website a significant and effective communication vehicle for site visitors. Please send suggestions, updates, corrections, and other issues to the website administrator.