Audie L. Murphy Memorial Parkway Clean-up
Community Service Day
(Sat), Apr. 27, 2019
(Leon Valley, TX) (April 27, 2019) – The American Legion, Audie L. Murphy Post No. 336 (formerly known as the Stonewall Jackson Post No. 336.) adopted the Audie L. Murphy Memorial Parkway, in Leon Valley, Texas. The Post assumed responsibilities on Sat., April 27. The American Legion is the largest veteran’s group in the world. Besides working in Washington DC with Congress to improve veteran’s benefits, they are staunchly involved with their local communities. The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 and celebrating its 100th birthday this year.
The event began at 8:00 AM members of the Post and other volunteers met at the Leon Valley Public Library, 6425 Evers Road, 78238. Some safety vests were provided for us by the Leon Valley Public Works. Personnel were told to wear bright clothing and bring reflective gear if they had it. Former Leon Valley City Council member and current 20th District Commander Walter Geraghty was there to welcome all volunteers and provide a safety briefing before beginning the detail. The clean-up lasted approximately 2 hours.
At approximately 7:30 AM the Audie L. Murphy Memorial Parkway Community Service Clean-Up kicked off with Breakfast Burritos, at the Leon Valley Public Library. The Clean-Up route started at Chenal Point, west of Huebner Road and Evers Road, ending at Forest Dell, in the east.
The Clean-Up was sponsored by Audie L. Murphy Post No. 336. The largest Post in The American Legion, 20th District (Bexar County) and 3rd largest Post in the state, and is located in Leon Valley, Texas 78238.
“The City of Leon Valley, in January 2015, passed Resolution 15-001 R designating a portion of Evers Road running through the city as Audie L. Murphy Memorial Parkway. The namesake Post coordinating with the City of Leon Valley will adopt this portion of the roadway for clean-up,” said Spencer Spriesterbach, Commander of The American Legion Post No. 336 in Leon Valley, Texas.