Turnbow-Higgs Post 240 Hall was filled to capacity as ROTC Cadets, Legionnaires and HEB food servers gathered in the Brad Thompson meeting room on Veterans Day (November 11, 2015) afternoon to participate in a symposium followed by a meal of Hot Dogs, chips, cookies and soft Drinks all furnished and served by HEB.

The following veterans and the war era they represented were seated at the head table: Jack Parks, Korea; Mike Pratt, Vietnam; Burton Smith, Lebanon/Grenada & Panama; Matt Hallgarth, Bosnia; Chilo Carlson, Gulf War and Juan Desantiago, Afghanistan. WWII was to be represented by Brad Thompson, Army Air Force veteran, but he was unable to attend because of illness.

The Cadets listened and later posed questions of the panel as each speaker described their war time memories.

Jack Parks, an Army Veteran, described what it was like being drafted into the Army at the age of 19. He was a Sherman Tank Operator during the Korean War and vividly described the dangers of war while operating a Tank. He recalled how very cold it was in Korea and suffers today from frost bite as a result of the frigid temperatures.

Mike Pratt, another Army Veteran shared his memory of the Vietnam War era describing the terrifying sounds of war that seemed to be endless when in a fire fight. He describe how hot it was in the jungle by saying when the temperature dropped to 90 deg. they would cover because of the chill. He answered one cadet question by describing how he dealt with PTSD following the war.

Burton Smith, American Legion Post 240 Commander and a Navy Seal described his involvement during conflicts in Central America, especially El-Salvador.

Matt Hallgarth, an Air Force Veteran, described his involvement in the Bosnia conflict and a historical and military perspective of the upheaval in the Balkans."

Chilo Carlson, a Marine Veteran, and President of TSU Veterans Association spoke several minutes on his Gulf War experiences and the re-taking of Fallujah.

Juan Desantiago, another Marine Veteran, concluded the initial round of presentations by the speakers detailing his involvement in Afghanistan through the eyes of a young grunt fresh out of high school (in Mineral Wells).

At the conclusion of presentations, Speakers, ROTC Cadets and other guest were treated to Hot Dogs & sides furnished and served by HEB employees. HEB also presented each person present an American Flag lapel pin.

The cadets as well as the veterans are eagerly looking forward to this symposium being continued in the years to come.

Turnbow-Higgs American Legion Post 240 expresses its gratitude to all participants and to HEB for their generous donation of food, and to Auxiliary Unit 240 members which contributed to the success of the symposium.

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