During the New Business segment of Turnbow-Higgs Post 240's regular monthly meeting, Post 240 Judge Advocate Fred Cross, introduced a resolution naming Commander Roger Easter a Post 240 Honorary Life Member. A vote was taken and the resolution was adopted. Fred Cross presented The Commander with Honorary Life Member Certificate that reads;
This honor is given in recognition and sincere appreciation of outstanding loyalty and dedication to Turnbow-Higgs American Legion Post 240. This honor recognizes the commitment demonstrated towards the programs, activities, and ideals of The American Legion dedicated to God and Country.
Turnbow-Higgs American Legion Post 240 located in Stephenville, TX was chartered by the United States Congress in 1920. In its 94 year history only eight Post 240 members have been recognized by Post 240 membership as Honorary Life Members. Turnbow-Higgs Post 240 members receiving this distinction and year they were honored are; Brad Thompson, John Rogers & Ben B. McCollum (D)- 1992; Brian Whitecotton & B.R. Kirkland- 1998; J. Fred Cross- 2002; Leroy Griffin- 2007; Don Douglas- 2011 (D).
On Tuesday March 18th, at its regular monthly meeting, Turnbow-Higgs Post 240 members bestowed this honor on Commander Roger Easter, making him the ninth member of this distinguished group. Upon acceptance of Honorary Life Certificate from Fred Cross Commander Easter addressed the membership with the following statement.
“I'm humbled by your action and truly honored to have my name listed among those that have previously earned this recognition. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY I will go forward more determined than ever to always do my best to uphold and proclaim the ideals and purposes stated in the preamble to the American Legion Constitution.”- Roger Easter