Out of and by authority of this organization, The Parker County Post Number 163 was organized and granted a charter, March 1,1920, with 15 members whose names are follows: Edgar C. Bloom, Roy L. Dyer, John C. Sammon, Ludie R. Barker, Harold J. Gregory, Mike M. Hopkins, Frank M. Edun, Ray M. Oliver, Luke Alexander, Fred Lanier, Steve Maddux, Earl W. Bratton, Jack S. Hart, Charles W. Sharpe, Dr. Austin F. Leach; and with Captain Jack Hart, first commander who served with distinction and valor with the Marines and was cited for such services.
The Post had no home of its own, meeting at various places, many of it’s meetings being held at Holland’s Lake, through the kindness of G. A. Holland, who even had been a good friend of the post. In 1933, while C.C. Key was commander, the post bought its present home at Front Street and North Elm. (Later 703 Eureka St.) and has greatly improved same. The meetings are now held there twice monthly.