On Saturday November 11th the members of Royse City Post 100 participated in their local Veteran's Day event. This year the post conducted a Youth Art Contest. The post received $640 in prizes donated by local businesses. There were three schools that participated and turned in a total of 191 pieces of art thanking veterans for their service. 15 winners from the local elementary students were in attendance and were recognized for their participation in the event.
The post also presented the Certificate of Military Commitment to Esmeralda Cienfuegos for her decision to join the Army. Esmeralda is a 2017 graduate of Royse City High School who will be leaving for basic training on the 20th of November.
Part of the celebration also included the post receiving a proclamation from the mayor.
The post also took this opportunity to recruit and they were able to get one new member, a paid post transfer, a renewal and a few 345 member transfers. "We love our town and our town loves us." said Post Commander Jason Castleberry
Shawn Masters, Mary Westbrook, Dan Smith and Jason Castleberry
Veteran's Day Art Contest winners
MacyCleveland 1ST PRIZE Winner
Post received a proclamation
Member of the post with an Art contestant
Post Commander and Esmeralda Cienfuegos