In Tennessee there are four Veterans Cemeteries, a 5th Veterans Cemetery will be completed in the fall of 2017. Members of Post 286 have started a Veterans Honor Guard to perform funerals at the soon to be completed Cemetery where there will be 5-7 funerals every day. We have been certified by the Tennessee National Guard Funeral Honors and have completed 40 funerals in the surrounding counties over the last 1 and 6 months.



SFC presented certificates to members of the Parkers Crossroads Funeral Team


Sharing time with practice of Funeral Honors.


SFC presented our Certificates from Nashville TNG.


Art Hemby Captain of the Honor Guard Marine Vietnam Vet.


Rex McBEE past Captain of Honor Guard with Art Hemby both Marines Nam Vets.


Eating after a Veterans Funeral


Reno Rossignol / Art Hemby and SFC during awards.


Veterans Honor Guard at Parkers Crossroads


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