Being a Legionnaire, is being there... (Doing what you can to help, no matter how small.), for your sisters and brothers in arms as well as your community. And today... October 26th, 2016, as I volunteered at the "Old Firehouse" once again, I came across a comrade in need.
I introduced myself as Kelvin McGraw, and informed him that I was the Finance Officer of American Legion Post 289. As I began to sit and speak with him, he presented me with his VA card, which had the name of Robert Lee Moodispaugh. He kindly told me that he prefers to be called, "Bobby". He then proceeded to tell me his story. When all was said and done, we both agreed to meet up at 10:00am the next morning so that I could take him to various organizations too include, USO and Operation Stand-Down. But before I could get out of the door good, there was another voice that needed to be heard. His name was, Richard Henton, (No picture available). He asked how could he get a hat like our Legionnaire caps? Needless to say, by the time I left the Old Firehouse, I had 2 comrades that would be meeting me the next morning.
So here it is, October 27th, 2016. And as planned, we three got together and our 1st stop was the USO and met with Post 289's Post Adjutant, Francisco Vasquez. He was outstanding in the manner in which he orchestrated the many different procedures and directions in which each individual could go. Francisco even got Bobby a copy of his DD-214, which he was in dire need of. For he was told that he would have to go to Nashville personally to retrieve his DD-214. Bobby was even directed to go too, "Operation Stand-Down" (it would be a copy of his DD-214 already faxed to them), once we were done going over a checklist that Francisco had given them. After approximately 2-3 hrs Francisco surprised Bobby and Richard with back packs filled with necessary essentials and an USO sweatsuit. (Had me holding my breath wishing I could have a goody back pack. lol) So we load up the vehicle and I take Bobby to Operation Stand-Down and Richard back to where we met up at earlier that day. At that time Richard assures me that he would love to become a member of our prestigious Post #289. So by the good grace of God, he'll be present at our Nov. 4th, 2016 Membership meeting. **UPDATE-- Richard Henton did show up and join... "Congratulations Comrade!"
Now at the beginning of this testimony I mentioned about Bobby telling me his story. In his story there was a mention of his disabilities and how he had lost a bike that had eased the hardship of no transportation, and what he wouldn't do for one now. His story touched deep within me, and I immediately thought of how Post 289 can help bless this comrade once again. So this is what he received the very next morning... October 28th, 2016. (A 21 speed Bicycle with bike lock from, "AMERICAN LEGION POST 289".) We leave NO Soldier behind! Let's keep each other lifted in prayer... Amen. "For God And Country!!"
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