For many years, Post 62 occupied a large building on the north end of Humboldt. But in 1993, after deciding to sell the building, we joined with the city in the Community Hall. The local post has come a long way since its charter in September, 1919.
During those early years of the Humboldt American Legion, the meetings were held at the members’ homes. In 1941, the first Legion building was acquired through the efforts of Fred Lindroth, one of our charter members. He was working for a moving company and purchased a small, two-room building for a meager amount of money and also had it moved to Humboldt. Ironically, our present home in the Community building is located within two-hundred feet of where that first Legion home was located.
Jim Rozum, another Legion member, was and should still be a very special person in the minds and hearts of every Legionnaire of this Post, for he owned the building where the first fundraiser, a Feather Party and Barbecue, was held. Jim also owned a local theater in Humboldt that the Legion bought and operated for several years.