Eight more Custer County veterans or their next of kin received their Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal at a cermony at Custer Senior Center last Saturday. From left, back are presenters Nylotis Van Orman, Alice Hagenlock, Ester Waltman, Shirley Stewart and Mary Gonsor; front,
medal recipients Calvin Van Orman, Lyle Cline, Harold Waltman, Robert Stewart and Eva Dudley, who accepted the posthumous award for deceased husband, Phillip Dudley. Also receiving medals, but unable to attend were Lynus Ryan, Grant Muse and Mrs. Robert Hott,accepting the award posthumously for her late husband. Fifty people attended the social and ceremony, which was the second this year that gave medals and red scarves to veterans of the Korean War. [Submitted
Photo] {Photo and caption used by permission of Custer County Chronicle}