Post Goes Back to School
Yes, Custer Post #46 has a new home. It is in Room 105 of the old Custer High School (now the Custer School District Administration Building). How this came about is something all Post members should be aware of for the continued well-being of our Post.
The Post at one time owned its home. But over the years membership declined to the point that the Post was unable to maintain its operation. The building was sold. And the Post met in a variety of locations until finding a facility suited to its reduced needs. That facility was the Custer Senior Citizens Center.
The Center was a great “fit” for the Post. It had the space needed for meetings and facilities for occasional activities. As the Post slowly “settled in” it realized the Center was truly a “home” and did its best to be a good family member. It did so through regular donations to the Center in funds and kind, plus the Post financially engaged the Center for its activities.
This mutually beneficial arrangement comfortably endured for years. But nothing in life is permanent. That is also true for organizations.
The Senior Center began developing its second floor for office space rental to improve its financial stability. Indeed, that is the original purpose of second stories for this type of building.
Unfortunately for the Post, the second floor was where we met. And the new terms appeared beyond our means.
Those terms were communicated to the new Post Commander, Donald Hone, and reviewed by the Post Executive Committee during the last part of May 2014. The Executive Committee evaluated the terms for membership action noting the Senior Center required resolution by 01 July.
At the 10 June business meeting the membership reviewed the correspondence and terms. After considering all aspects of the situation they confirmed the Executive Committee’s evaluation that the terms were beyond the Post’s means. And they empowered an Extraordinary Committee with executive authority to procure a new location for the Post.
The search was on!
Early in the search the committee identified six locations to evaluate; The Senior Center, The Masonic Temple, The Community Center, Custer City Hall, Custer School District Administration Building, and St. John the Baptist Church Annex. Of these, three were viable, the; Masonic Temple, City Hall, and CSD Admin Building.
All approached were quite supportive of the Post’s need for a new home. Their terms were as generous as they could manage. And evaluation of these terms and facilities made it clear that they valued the Post’s presence in their facilities and Custer City. Comparison then made it clear that the Post would best be served and impact its new host the least by locating the Post Home in the CSD Admin Building. Consequently, the committee entered into agreement with Custer School District to use Room 105 of the CSD Admin Building. Members relocated the Post on 29 June to its new home.
Now the CSD Admin Building is best remembered as the old Custer High School & Armory. The Post is in the old High School side. Entrance is through the Montgomery Street doors with parking, meeting room, and restrooms all on the same level. The Post conducted its July business meeting there to great acclaim. It’s a wonderful facility and a great home. And with the support of CSD Superintendent Mark Naugle, the Post has gone back to school!