1968 The North Augusta American Legion Post 71 Baseball team Southern and Major League Dixie Youth Baseball Champions :Stevie Thompson, Robin Lemmon, Keith Hollis, Jerry Moody, Jeff Lacey,Billy White, 2nd row: Coach Gordon Cox, David Fairey, Jimmy Boyd, Steve Mann, Billy Dragas, David Kellar, Harold Jones, Bud Lemons, Coach Lee Inman Thompson
Refo Sikes celebrating the 50th anniversary of The American Legion in his World War 1 uniform April 1969 in front of the famed Waffle House number 3 North Augusta SC. Sikes would pass away three years later.
Left to right Cecil Howard, Tom Flanagan, O.B. Whittle, Nathan M. Wolfe, Weldon Redman, South Carolina Department commander Claude Horton, E. Rogers Lowe, Hugh Johnson
(left) Major general John C. Tillson III took command of the US Army Army School/Training Center (USATC) Ft Gordon, GA where he remainded until his retirement in 1971. is with City of North Augusta, SC Mayor Cecil Collins and Post and District commander Nathan M. "Nat" Wolfe Sr. 1969. 50th of The American Legionanniversary dinner
1967 Christmas party head table Past South Carolina Commander Daniel Ross Jr. with South Carolina Department Commander Claude Horton, Harold Carter, Sara Carter, US Representative William Jennings Bryan Dorn, Post Commander Nathan M. "Nat" Wolfe Sr. (seated) Brianna Dorn Lawrence, Nancy Wolfe
(left) Buren Lown, Post Commander Nathan M. "Nat" Wolfe Sr. US Representative William Jennings Bryan Dorn, South Carolina Department commander
James B Delaughter awards Post commander Nathan M. Wolfe the 1967 Post Legionnaire of the year award.
(left) 1974, Charles Robert "Bob" Myer was named Commandant of the Army Signal School and commander of the Army Signal Center, both at Fort Gordon, Georgia. In this position, he helped establish and coordinate communications methods and computer networks throughout the Army. Standing: Post 71 fireman of the year Steven Crosby North Augusta, SC Public Safety, JB Delaughter, and Tom Flanagan
South Carolina department commander Nathan M. "Nat" Wolfe, South carolina departemnt historian John May (AIken SC) US rep. William Jennings Bryan Dorn, and Tom Flanagan
Cecil Howard, and Tom J. Flanaganpresenting a flag pole to North Augusta Elementary school May 24, 1968 Though the school was more than 30 years old it never had a flag pole of its own. Two schools shared a pole from a city park. the youngsters are Kirk Missick and Hugh Youmans
The North Augusta American Legion post 71 Dixie Youth Baseball Champions 1967. 1st row: Johnny Allyn, Randy Perkins, Keith Hollis, Bud Lemons, Steve Mann, Ray Perkins, David Keller Second Row: Coach Gordon Cox, Jerry Moody, Alan Taylor, Kirk Whitaker, Bo Kirkland, Cal Broome, Mark Smith, Billy Dragas, Coach Clyde Linnenkohl
The American Legion post 71 officers installation. (left to right) Tom Flanagan, Hugh Johnson, Nathan M. "Nat" Wolfe Post commander, Bob Hanna, Milford Forrester South Carolina Department commander, Forrest Thaxton Cecil Howard
1972 Sons of the American Legion Detachment 71 North Augusta SC Tom Flanagan, Max Shanks, Ed Mcknight, Nate Wolfe, Craig Cox, Tommy Cox, Timmy Thaxton, Ronnie Thaxton, Johnny McNight, Ronnie Smith, South Carolina Department commander Roy Powell
1973 first class of the American Legion Law Cadet camp Columbia SC South Carolina Department commander Nathan M. "Nat" Wolfe front and center
1968 North Augusta American legion Chaplin Hugh Johnson with The South Carolina Department commander Milford Forrester
Unknown, Bobby Simons, William Jennings Bryan Dorn, Nathan M Wolfe Sr., Newton F Manly Jr.
North Augusta Plaza E. Martintown Rd. North Augusta
1969 Nat Wolfe Sr. (left) shakes hands with National Commander of the American Legion J. Milton Patrick, OK also pictured center with lapel Button is US Senator J. Strom Thurmond. Photo taken at Johnston SC Post 154
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