The National Executive Committee of the American Legion, National Headquarters - Indianapolis, Indiana, Department of South Carolina, District 16, issued a charter to Post 49 at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina on April 14, 2014.
As a result of the vision and persistent efforts of Messers Perry White, Irvin W. Campbell and Benjamin Green, the Post was chartered with forty-two members.
Arthur E. (Conrad) Wiley,Post 49, made its public debut on January 24, 2015. Almost a year after its charter was issued. Mrs. Phoeby (Wiley) Dreissen spoke for the family. Other members of Mr. Wiley's family were also present to accept a plaque from the Post on honor of Mr. Wiley. Members of the public, The Department of South Carolina,District 16 (District Commander Roberta Poulas), town and Beaufort County government were invited to the program. The program was followed by a reception.
The Post is named for Mr. Arthur E. (Conrad) Wiley, native of Hilton Head Island, SC and a World War I veteran. Prior to being drafted into the U. S. Army, Mr. Wiley was a husband, father and farmer on Hilton Head Island. Following his honorable discharge from the Army, Mr. Wiley returned to his civilian responsibilities and added service to his church, St. James Baptist Church, where he became a Deacon. Mr. Wiley and his wife, Minda, were the proud parents of twelve children. Additionally, when the Beaufort County School District refused to construct a school for children in the Mitchelville area , due to lack of a site, he was instrumental in raising funds for the purchase of land to build what became the Cherry Hill School of the education of children in the Mitchelville area of Hilton Head Island. Beaufort County provided the material for construction of the school.
The first officers of the Post were: Irvin W. Campbell, Commander, Charles Young III, First Vice Commander, Claudia J. Kennedy, Second Vice Commander, Benjamin Perry, Adjutant, Perry White, Asst. Adjutant, Arthur B Champen, Finance Officer, Rita Jones, Asst. Finance Officer, Ceasar H. Wright, Chaplin, James Campbell and Ralph Millidge, Sergeant-at-arms, Ben Green and Ron Brown Service Officers.
The focus of the Post is on assisting veterans with needs, service to the community, promotion of freedom, justice, the principles of democracy and world peace.
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