W. A. Hudgens Post 14
1301 E. Greenville Street Anderson SC 29621
South Carolina Post 14 is named after First Lieutenant William Augustus Hudgens. He was the senior officer from Anderson killed in action during World War One. Lt. Hudgens was the 118th Infantry Battalion Adjutant. He was killed in action on 8 October 1918 near Bellicourt, France along the Hindenburg Line.
Mrs Lucia Taylor Hudgens of Anderson South Carolina, the wife of Lt. W. A. Hudgens was the first President of Unit 14 of the Woman’s Auxiliary of W. A. Hudgens Post 14. The Auxiliary was organized and chartered in April 1923. The Auxiliary began their efforts assisting with disabled veterans and supporting child welfare in Anderson South Carolina.
W. A. Hudgens Post 14 of the Department of South Carolina located in Anderson is the 14th Post in the state to receive a charter. The organizational meeting was held on 20 August 1919 in the Anderson Chamber of Commerce office with Col. P. K. McCully presiding. Col. McCully had been the Commanding Officer of the 118th Infantry in France during WW1. The Post charter is dated 21 August 1919.
A meeting of the Post was called after receiving the charter to elect officers. W. H. Lyon was elected unanimously as the first Commander. Commander Lyon had been a sergeant in the 118th Infantry in France. The remaining officers were: Vice Commander; W. F. Marshall, Adjutant; John E. White, Finance Officer; Clement C. Hall and Historian; Leon W. Harris.
In 1920 the second Post Commander, Jesse T. Crawford, established a service at the Post to assist veterans and their families with rehabilitation work. This service is continued at the Post today through our DAV and Post Service Officer Ken Lewallen and the team of dedicated volunteers.
In 1922 Mr. Charlie Daniel was elected as the 4th post Commander. Under his supervision work and fund raising came together to build the Anderson Memorial Field to honor those who had served and to provide a place for the youth of Anderson to compete in athletics. The construction of the field was completed in 1923 at a cost of $16,000.00. Numerous organizations throughout the city donated funds to completely payoff the project by 1924. The field was dedicated 15 November 1924 with a Clemson – Citadel football game.
In 1930 Mr. R. E. Ligon and Mr. Guy Bowlen presented the Post with the generous donation of a lot at the intersection of Boulevard and Calhoun St. to place a monument.
In 1933 under the Command of Mr. Robert D. Alexander a WW1 artillery piece was acquired with the assistance of South Carolina 3rd District Representative J. C. Taylor from the US Arsenal at Rock Island Illinois. Despite the Great Depression and financial hardship at the Post, Legionnaires donated funds and raised money by showing motion pictures of WW1 films at the post to cover the cost of transport and pay outstanding debts of the Post. A granite monument and flag pole where erected that same year.
In 1934 newly elected Commander Dr. E. E. Epting succeeded in raising funds to erect the bronze statue “The Spirit of the American Doughboy” at a cost of $1000.00. The statue was unveiled on Armistice Day 1934 beside the artillery piece.
In 1938 Mr. James W. hare was elected Commander. He promoted youth athletics and began sponsorship of youth baseball teams. The Post continues this tradition to this day by sponsoring the Anderson AMERICAN LEGION baseball team.
In 1939 Mr. John V. Brookshire was elected Commander. Under his command our current Post was constructed. The 6 acres of land for the new construction was generously donated to the Post by Mr. Postell Cater and Mr. Will Watson. Mr. A. M. Dodson and Mr. Willis McClain supervised construction efforts. The formal dedication was held on 5 September 1939. The building was formally dedicated in honor of Major Ralph J. Ramer who had been one of the Posts most dedicated members. Major Ramer had served in the 118th Infantry during WW1 in Belgium and France. The monument, statue and field artillery piece have since been relocated to our new site along with two new monuments, a naval anchor and a Korean War tank located in our lower level along Greenville St. in Anderson.
W. A. Hudgens Post 14 of the Department of South Carolina of the AMERICAN LEGION has been in continued service of our veterans, active duty, families and our areas youth ever since. We have had a great 1st 100 years and look eagerly forward to the next 100 years.
Todd Baker
AMERICAN LEGION W. A. Hudgens Post 14
1301 E. Greenville St.
Anderson South Carolina 29621