Four members of the post visited the Veterans Victory House in December 2017. Chris Beiler, Commander; William Herman, Adjutant; James McDonald, Second Vice Commander and Julian Craven, Chaplain visited three post members in resident at the Veterans Victory House. 100 year Centennial coins were presented to each one of the three men. (Here is Post Commander, Chris Beiler, presenting the American Legion Centennial coin to James A. Knight, only surviving charter member of Post 128, Harleyville, South Carolina)



Commander Chris Beiler with Adjutant William Herman present a 100 year Centennial coin to American Legion member, Calvin (Cooch) Murray, at Veterans Victory House, Walterboro, SC


Commander Chris Beiler presents a 100 year Centennial coin to American Legion member, Vance Collier, Sr., at Veterans Victory House, Walterboro, SC


Post Chaplain Julian Craven, Adjutant Bill Herman and 2nd Vice Commander Jim McDonald at Veterans Victory House Christmas Program


Post Adjutant Bill Herman with Staff member and 2nd Vice Commander Jim McDonald (seated) at Veterans Victory House Christmas program


Post Chaplain Julian Craven, Adjutant Bill Herman and 2nd Vice Commander Jim McDonald enjoying a meal and entertainment at Veterans Victory House Christmas program


Post Adjutant Bill Herman (left) and Chaplain Julian Craven with friends at Veterans Victory House Christmas program.


Veterans Victory House resident James Knight with close friend at the activities room and Christmas program.


Veterans Victory House Christmas program organizer and participants.


Christmas Program group and Tree at veterans Victory House activities room.


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