On September 22,1919, sixteen ex-service men of Penfield, Llanerch, South Ardmore, Ardmore and Philadelphia, signed an application for a charter to establish a Post of the American Legion. A charter was issued September 30, 1919, by Eric Fisher Wood, Secretary, National Executive Committee.

    December 4, 1919, a meeting was held in the Brookline Fire Hall to arrange for the first regular meeting of the Post. On Jannuary 16, 1920, the first regular meeting was held in Brookline Fire Hall. At this meeting J. Gillespie Magee was elected the first Commander of the Post.

    On November 19, 1920, the Post was named "Nunan - Slook" Post 338, of the American Legion. Private William L. Nunan was killed in action October 1,1918, in France, and Corporal George H. Slook, was also killed in action July 29, 1918 in France. Both young men were from this area.

    On November 3, 1922, the plot of ground, a part of the McGonaghey tract, southeast corner of Grassland and Ralston Avenues, Oakmont, Delaware Co., Pa. was purchased by Emery B. Freeman on behalf of the Post.

    A Building Committee started the  plans for our presnt home October 21, 1924, and on December 16, 1924, the regular meeting was held in our new Post Home. Since that time the increased membership required an addition to be made, giving the Post a very beautiful building.

   On May 1, 1928, a Legion Band was sponsored and organized by the Post. The Band has been a great service to the Post and community and since that date hs participated in numerous Post and community activities.

   On Jannuary 21, 1930, our Post formally sponsored the Junior Drum and Bugle Corps of Haverford Township, we are proud of their record. In carrying their colors through our own and neighboring States, they make friends wherever they go.

   Nunan - Slook Post has always sponsored community activities, such as the now national school award, athletic activities, welfare service and numerous others. We pledge ourselves to continue to be service to our community, forging onward through the years and ever guided by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.

View more history for Post 338 in Havertown, Penna., Pennsylvania