“My deeds must be my life, when I am dead my actions must speak for me”
                                                                                                       Stephen Girard, 1750-1831
Stephen Girard Post 320, Philadelphia, Pa. was founded 15 September 1920 by Alums of Girard College.
Originally, Post 320 was housed in a residential home in North Philadelphia but later moved onto the
campus of Girard College. At one  point there were approximately 105 members.
Girard College was founded by Stephen Girard in 1848 and its mission was and is to house, clothe, feed
and educate the  students.
Stephen Girard’s resume would have read that he was a Merchant, Mariner, Banker, and Philanthropist.
In addition to his founding the school and impacting the lives of thousands of students, he also
participated in saving lives of Philadelphia residents during the Yellow Fever epidemic ( 1793) and funded the
United States  Federal Government during the War of 1812.

Mr. Girard was a French citizen and adopted America as his home.

Since the opening of Girard College, many of its students joined the military starting with the Civil War
up until the present day events. Some of these students died in the line of duty and are remembered
with memorials on campus.
Post 320’s sole mission is to honor Stephen Girard and the students who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Post 320 passes on these tributes to the current students and supports the extracurricular activities
of the students and awards grants and scholarships to further their education upon graduation.


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