KENWOOD -- "Veterans are the men and women who have served their country in the armed forces."

This was the answer given by Penns Manor teacher and Marine Corps veteran Kim Bodek when asked, "What is a veteran?" at Penns Manor's annual Veterans Day assembly.

The assembly was held Nov. 9 in the Penns Manor auditorium for students and teachers to honor those who have served, and those who are currently serving our country.

Before the assembly itself began, Penns Manor's creative cooking classes with teacher Beth Cessna held a luncheon for senior citizens before they enjoyed the presentation. Class President Jennifer Knezovich welcomed guests as American Legion Post 222 posted our nation's colors. While the colors were posting, the Penns Manor band, directed by Paul Rode, played a march titled "Battle Cry of Freedom" followed by the national anthem. Penns Manor's volunteer firemen then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The next speech to be given was by student council President Danny Ferens, reminding the audience that Veterans Day is important not only because those who have defended our country are honored, but those service members who are active are remembered as well. As the Penns Manor band played "Veteran's Salute," veterans in attendance were to stand and be recognized when the anthem of their service was played.

Other speakers of the afternoon included the commander of Post 222, Mr. John O'Hara, who shared a ceremony in remembrance of military POWs and MIAs.

Christopher Kough, American Legion District 27 Commander (and Indiana American Legion Post 141 Adjutant), also shared his thoughts on Veterans Day. Other special guests in attendance were state Sen. Don White; state Rep. Dave Reed; state Rep. Jeff Pyle; and Indiana County Sheriff Robert Fyock. Sheriff Fyock directed Scouts from Troop 13 in Clymer and Troop 20 in Penn Run in a flag-folding ceremony.

The Scouts presented the American flag to American Legion District 27 Commander Kough.

To conclude the assembly, taps was played by band members Emily Brown and Claire Kirsch. To end the program, "Amazing Grace" was played as the honor guard retired the colors. Penns Manor would like to thank everyone who attended the assembly, especially those who have fought and those who are fighting for our country today.

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